0471/82.40.22 info@urbancity.be

Contact us for details and booking & renting.

Same but different

Urban city adapted the rules of Corona society and all the safety measures it includes. Meaning distance, washings hands and mask. Not all together and everywhere. We keep it real and make our spaces this way covid safe area’s with still the same vibe as before. Well, sort of. It’s a little bit different. But definitely safe. That’s why you follow the walking routes and arrows in the building. With your mask on.  

Keep your social distance in real life. The hell with it in yur digital life. So use your mobile and devices. As much as you like.


Less people, more room

Our spaces are still the same, there is just less space for people. Distance is a golden rule, also in our meeting rooms and offices. To know exactly how many people for what kind of purpose fit in a space, please contact us. We measure it out after washing our hands. And not just by making them wet. No, we scrub (but not too hard, that’s bad for your skin). We also have plexi screens for extra protection. 

Use soap or a hand sanitizer. And please use moisturing cream. Your hands will be greatful.

Even cleaner

Urban City was clean already. In Corona times even cleaner. Not that you notice, desinfectant is invisible. Anyhow, you meeting room is pre- and will be post cleaned desinfected.  We also have desinfectiondistributers and -pumps.  No worries about alcoholgel.

Before entering a meeting room or workspace, please wash your hands. And keep your distance. maskes aren’t necessary: our ventilation is doing overtime.

Mask on the move

Masks give people a safe feeling, especially when they can not keep distance. If they really protect against the virus, is a discusiion we don’t really care about it. We want people to feel safe, certainly when they are on the move and they see others on the move coming towards them. 

On the move? Wear a mask. When  you sit down it’s up to you. When you wanna lay down on the sofa likewise.



Packed and wrapped

You can still order catering, individually packed and wrapped on demand. Eat while you’re seated because on the move you have to wear a mask. And eating and a mask, is a shitty combi. 



Hi, can we help?

Ankerrui 9
2000 Antwerpen